Nightingale Medical Division
Steady. Caring. Professional.

The Creation of the Medical Division
After the creation of Nightingale Industries, it became obvious that with the combat missions being run by the Fleet and Security Forces, Nightingale would need its own Medical Division. Lucian Briggs reached out to Ophiuchus Emergency Response to discuss a potential merger to bring experienced medics to Nightingale as soon as possible.
The merger was signed on October 13, 2952, bringing OER under the Nightingale banner. The Medical Division quickly grew and became one of the leading sources of medical aid across the UEE. Escorted by the Nightingale Security Forces and the Fleet, the Medical Division’s rescue logs are constantly growing as they strive to accomplish Nightingale Industries’ mission of protecting the citizens of the UEE.

Medical Division Commanding Officers

Response Sector Uniforms

Medical Rank and Structure
Organized and effective, the Medical Division boasts some of the top medical professionals in the Empire.

Medical Division Headquarters
The Medical Division strives to maintain a headquarters primed for rapid response across the UEE

Approved Medical Division Vehicles