Nightingale Racing Team
Speed. Adrenaline. Champions.
The premier racing team of Nightingale Industries

Creating the Nightingale Racing Team
The Nightingale Racing Team offers some of the best pilots in the UEE. Pulling pilots from across Nightingale Industries and the Empire, the Racing Team is a collection of pilots who crave adrenaline.
Created by Lucian Briggs and Commissioner Prophyy to engage pilots in some adrenaline-filled fun away from their combat or work duties, the Racing Team has become a beacon of hope as one of the Empire’s largest companies engages in some good old-fashioned racing. Featuring well-known and all-new tracks, the Nightingale Cup has become a highly sought-after prize.

Racing Team Officers & Staff

Civilian Sector Uniforms

Racing Team Ranks & Structure

Racing Team Headquarters

Racing Team Approved Ships
Origin M50
In-Space Racer
Origin 85X
Atmospheric Dominator
Origin 350R
Large Racer
Mirai Razor
Great All-Around
Mirai Razor LX
Mirai Fury LX
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Kruger P-52 Merlin
Atmospheric Top Dog
Kruger P-72 Archimedes
Elite Racer
C.O. Mustang Gamma
Strong Zero-G Racer