Nightingale Industries Fleet
Disciplined. Effective. Unbroken.
Pilots and crews that rival the quality of the UEEN
“First in, Last out, Fleet Leads the Way”

Beginning of the Fleet
The keystone division of Nightingale Industries, the Fleet features the best pilots and most experienced crews Nightingale has to offer.
The first division formed after the company's creation, Lucian Briggs regularly serves aboard his personal ship, the NMSS Nightingale, in combat situations around the UEE. Renowned for its combat prowess, the Nightingale Industries Fleet has rapidly earned its reputation as the premier fighting and security force found in the UEE.

Fleet Commanding Officers

Military Sector Flight Uniform

Fleet Rank Structure

Fleet Headquarters

Active Fleet Units
1st "Falcon" Squadron
Fighter Squadron
2nd "Viper" Squadron
Bomber Squadron
3rd "Nighthawk" Squadron
Stealth & Reconnaissance Squadron
NFS Resolution
Hammerhead Crew

Approved Fleet Fighters
Anvil Arrow
Fleet Training Fighter/Light Fighter
Anvil F7C Hornet
Medium Fighter
Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet
Medium Fighter
Anvil F7C-R Hornet Tracker
Medium Fighter/Advanced Recon
Anvil F7C-S Hornet Ghost
Medium Stealth Fighter
Anvil F8C Lightning
Heavy Fighter
Aegis Gladius
Light Fighter
Aegis Sabre
Stealth Fighter
Aegis Vanguard Warden
Heavy Fighter
Aegis Vanguard Sentinel
Heavy Fighter/Electronic Warfare
RSI Scorpius
Heavy Fighter
RSI Mantis
Interdiction Fighter

Approved Fleet Bombers, Gunships & Transports
Anvil Gladiator
Medium Naval Bomber
Aegis Vanguard Harbinger
Medium Naval Bomber/Heavy Fighter
Aegis Eclipse
Stealth Naval Bomber
Crusader A1 Spirit
Medium Tactical Bomber
Crusader A2 Hercules
Heavy Tactical Bomber/Heavy Transport
Aegis Redeemer
Heavy Gunship
RSI Constellation Andromeda
Fleet Gunship/Light Transport
RSI Galaxy
Medium/Heavy Transport
Crusader M2
Heavy Transport
Anvil Legionnaire
Fleet Boarding
MISC Starfarer Gemini
Fleet Refueling

Approved Fleet Warships
Aegis Hammerhead
Picket Corvette
RSI Perseus
Heavy Combat Corvette
Aegis Nautilus
MISC Odyssey
Advanced Recon Forward Operations
RSI Polaris
Captial Strike Ship
Drake Kraken
Fleet Carrier
Aegis Idris
Heavy Combat Frigate
Aegis Javelin
Heavy Combat Destroyer