Medical Division Structure

Medical Director

The Medical Director is a High Command position overseeing the Medical Division. The Medical Director has veto power over the Chief, and leads the division in the correct direction.


The Chief of the Medical Division is the Division Lead. They work directly with the Medical Director from High Command. This is the highest rank within the Medical Division.


The Captain is the Right-Hand of the Chief of the Medical Division. They are responsible for any information updates, training changes, and official medical division events.


Lieutenants are the first Officers that are a part of Medical Command. They are relied on in changes to the medical division program and the training curriculum. Lieutenants are certified to host NMCC Training and Exams.

Warrant Officer

Once promoted to Warrant Officer, medical personnel are relied on by the Medical Command team. Warrant Officers are given more responsibilities and expected to help in the creation and implementation of training and certifications


Once promoted to Sergeant, medical personnel are certified to run training sessions and be a commanding officer within the medical division. The rank of Sergeant is the first Officer position in the Nightingale Medical Division.


Once promoted to Corporal, medical personnel are considered officer candidates. Corporals are Medical Mains who desire to be officers, but are not yet fully trained, ready, or do not have the time to devote to an officer position. Corporals may conduct NMT-B and NMT-A training if they are qualified. Corporals may be assigned to be in command of a M.A.G.E Team as needed.

Senior Medic

Senior Medics are the medical personnel that have proven themselves within the Medical Division and completed the NMCC Test. When promoted to Senior Medic, members are expected to begin learning the process to take command during Response operations. Senior Medics have the clearance to act as an Officer during Emergency Response Operations if no other officers are available. They also have completed section training and shown a willingness to be the best NMD can be.


First official rank for the Nightingale Medical Division. Shows that the member is certified in all necessary medical fields. NMD Personnel are required to complete First Aid Certification and Response Team Certification to be considered a Medic.

Probationary Medic

Entry level medical personnel rank for NMD. Shows that a new member has interest in the Medical Division but has not completed the required training to be a certified medic.