The Admiral runs the entire Fleet and is the Nightingale Industries High Command representative for the NIF. They rely on their Officers to run things smoothly so they can focus on the bigger picture and coordinate with the rest of the High Command. The Admiral’s word is only overwritten by Commander Briggs.

Rear Admiral
Rear Admirals are the Division Leads and command Battle Groups. They handle issues affecting the NIF and look at ways to make everything better, more efficient, and as smooth as possible for the Admiral.

Captains are the third organization officer role within the NIF, command capital class ships, and command Task Forces. They handle lower-end administrative duties, deal with minor violations, and report any situations to the Rear Admiral. Delegating and recruiting fall in their area of focus.

Lieutenants are the second organization officer position within the NIF, run Wings, and/or command capital class ships. Mostly delegated to monitoring training and keeping the upper ranks aware of personnel issues.

Warrant Officer
Warrant Officers are the first organization officer level within the NIF and lead Air Wings. A Wing is 3 Groups plus a Warrant Officer. Warrant Officers maintain training schedules and ensure all squads under their command uphold NIF Standards of Conduct.

Sergeants are the first Division Officers and lead Squadrons or Crews. They are responsible for running the day-to-day of Fleet and being more hands-on involved.

Corporals are advanced members of Fleet and are capable of running trainings and assisting in running operations alongside other officers.

Senior Starman
Senior Starmen are highly-trained, efficient, and trusted members of the NIF. Starmen who have risen above and earned the respect of their Division, and the ability to help lead operations.

The backbone of the Fleet. Starman and Crewman have passed their respective Fleet Forge exams and are fully-fledged members of the Fleet. While Starman are the lowest ranks, they make up most of the NIF.

These are the entry-level hopefuls enlisting into the NIF. Yet to undergo trainings, or pass the Fleet Forge.